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Get Better Results with Expanded Test Descriptions

Powen Shiah

At test IO, we want to deliver the most relevant and useful bugs for the test you’re running. To guide our testers better, we’ve added a couple new fields to the interface:

Goal of the test

Use this field to explain to testers why you’re running the test, particularly what’s changed and what you’re worried about.

“We implemented a new feature in the search interface. It now shows results from all item descriptions. We want to make sure search results look and work on all devices.”

Out of Scope

Tell testers explicitly what kinds of issues you’re not interested in.

“Please ignore any bugs related to the app navigation. Do not report any content errors.”

Additional requirements

Share any further, specific instructions for this test cycle. For example, if you need certain details in each report or a minimum number of reproductions for bugs.

“Do not use the word test in your username, as these are visible to all users.”

When you’re duplicating a previous test run or creating a new test, fill out these fields for better results. If you have questions about how best to use these additional fields for test descriptions, get in touch with your customer success manager.



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