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A new way to choose when to run your tests

Powen Shiah

There are few things more annoying than having to calculate times: just ask any programmer you know how they feel about time zones! Previously, when setting up functional or usability tests on test IO, you selected what time you wanted the test to start running. Then, you’d have to choose the test duration, the parameters of which varied depending on whether you were running a rapid test, a coverage test, or one of the other possible tests.

Intelligent Test Scheduling

There’s got to be an easier way! Now there is: we’ve implemented an intelligent time picker for your tests. You just select when you want the results of your test cycle to be delivered. If that’s next Monday at 9am, our system will figure out the optimum time to start your test cycle so that the bugs will be submitted and reviewed by that time. We’ve limited these “deliver results by” time slots to weekdays between 8am and 8pm.

If these options aren’t quite right for you, you can still manually choose the “start test by” time within the time range. If you need a custom test time outside of the range, you can click the button next to the timepicker to request it.

Test Scheduling Parameters

  • Start and end tests between 8am and 8pm (your local timezone)
  • Rapid Test Duration
    • Default: 4 hours
    • Minimum: 2 hours
    • Maximum: 8 hours
  • Focused, Coverage, Usability & Custom Test Duration
    • Default: 24 hours
    • Minimum: 8 hours
    • Maximum: 48 hours

We'll be continuing to improve test scheduling and other aspects of running crowdtests, so please let us know what you think of the new interface for selecting times.



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