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Payments Testing 

Tests Using Real People, Real Credit Cards & Real-World Conditions 

Streamline Your Digital Payments for Global Security & Frictionless Transactions

Adopting a new payment system or launching one for the first time marks a pivotal point for any business. As customers broaden their purchasing channels, their expectations for payment experiences grow accordingly. Digital payment solutions must evolve to accommodate this complexity without compromising on user experience. Poor payment experiences can result in lost sales, while security breaches pose risks of identity theft and fraud, damaging your brand’s credibility.

Test IO safeguards your transaction processes and brand reputation by providing comprehensive and secure payment testing within environments that mimic real-world conditions. We employ actual users and payment methods to simulate realistic scenarios, ensuring seamless purchase completion across all platforms and payment types—catering to both online and physical retail points of sale.

Realistic Testing Scenarios for Customer Payments

Ensuring that payments work properly in the real world is an essential part of your company’s business assurance. Our global crowdtesting team gives you access to an on-demand scalable team of expert vetted human testers across the globe to test your payment systems in a variety of contexts and scenarios. 

Test IO helps to ensure a seamless digital checkout experience:

  • Identify payment blockers 
  • Access to in-market payment methods
  • Increase coverage and confidence in localized payment methods across geos, demographics, devices
  • Coverage can include both app and web based transactions as well as physical points-of-sale
  • Additionally, Test IO can provide insight into customer purchasing experience and potential friction points as testers interact with customers’ digital properties, just like a real customer would

Test With Real Credit Cards

Test IO's has a controlled card issuance capability that allows you to test payments functionalities in production-like environments, without risking personal or company credit card numbers, and without introducing new bottlenecks. 

Our testing professionals are trained and vetted to use payments instruments and actual devices around the world. With feedback from our human testers, we’ll provide detailed feedback and defect reports throughout the entire transaction flow. Our testers can provide valuable usability feedback to identify potential drivers of increased cart abandonment or other checkout friction points.

Troubleshoot During Development & In Production

Shift left, test right. Test IO Payments testing solutions can be integrated as integral parts of your development cycles (they can even be automated!), even as we help quickly uncover the root-causes of issues that made it to production mitigating their impact on customers and your business. 


Are you ready to have complete confidence in your online payment services?

On-demand payments testing is just a click away.