Rapid QA Testing
When you need speed, our digital quality professionals can deliver results in as little as an hour.
Hit Tight Deadlines Without Sacrificing Quality or Confidence
Whether you need a human-powered smoke test to make sure a build is ready for promotion or you’re deploying to production and want trained testers to be among the first to hit the live site, Test IO has you covered with Rapid Testing.
Driven By Human Ingenuity & Expertise
Test IO’s skilled rapid testers have the training and experience to find defects fast, with first results in minutes and complete results in as little as an hour. Test IO's rapid testing simulates an unscripted customer-like experience in production-like environments, while user story testing provides a more guided testing session. Both options can help you to speed your build to the next stage, confidently.

Rapid Testing for Rapid Releases
While DriveTime was rebuilding 20-30 times a day, Test IO’s on-demand testing was flexible and fast enough to keep up with the rapid release schedule, delivering results within hours. In less stressful times, Don Irwin, Head of Retail and Marketing Application Development, also appreciated the ability to walk away on Friday and still get two days of testing done.