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Explore the Importance of Performing Agile Mobile App Beta Testing

Beta testing your mobile app is an important phase of the development process. When you beta test your mobile app, you are answering a crucial question: Will this software meet user expectations, and should we release it? But that traditional approach to beta testing before you release a new app can be problematic considering the new and more agile pattern of the continuous updating and modifying of mobile apps.

Customers have neither the time, patience, nor inclination to tolerate app developers continuously working out bugs and defects. In fact, according to Flurry Analytics, you only have a couple of minutes to convince users your mobile app is something they need to use regularly. With such pressure, your development team and product managers need a continuous beta testing process for your mobile app that can help you meet user expectations again and again, not just upon initial release.

There are many benefits to beta testing, particularly when it is performed by crowdtesters. Crowdtesting is the practice of placing your software in the hands of real people who will give you necessary and important information on how to improve your mobile app.

The test IO difference
But not all testing services are equal. test IO’s crowdtesters are experts at evaluating software in the beta testing phase and beyond. They are able to detect bugs, point out missing functionality features, and provide valuable feedback regarding user experience every time you release an update. test IO can quickly connect you with professional testers around the world. Our beta testers:

Have a vast array of technical expertise
Closely align to the background and education of your real users
Test your mobile app in multiple geographic locations under a variety of conditions
Evaluate your mobile app using many different mobile devices, not just common Apple and Android devices
Mobile app beta testing doesn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming. With test IO’s contemporary testing process and testing platform, you can easily perform continuous integration of new updates and features. Our beta testers will provide valuable feedback in real time on your mobile app, so you can release with confidence time and again. Don’t run the risk of losing users on your app because of buggy software.

Learn more about how test IO’s crowdtesters can meet customer expectations today and tomorrow.


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